NA-MIC is a national research center supported by grant U54 EB005149 (EB) from the NIBIB NIH HHS.
NA-MIC was founded in September of 2004 after submission of an application in response to an RFA issued by NIH as part of the roadmap initiative, which called for the establishment of 7 National Centers for Biomedical Computing. All of the NCBC centers are organized around a series of specialized cores based on the requirements of the funding agency. The Computer Science Core consists of two teams. The algorithm team develops and implements medical image computing algorithms using the NA-MIC Kit. The engineering team develops and maintains the NA-MIC Kit, a software platform designed to enable research. The driving biological projects use the tools provided by the algorithm and engineering cores to develop software solutions that further their biomedical research.
The training and dissemination cores work on both internal and external outreach. The service core supports the virtualized IT infrastructure that enables all these activities in a distributed environment. The leadership core is responsible for the overall direction of the alliance. The PI works in close consultation with all the participants in the NA-MIC effort. Since its funding begun, NA-MIC has developed a network of internal and external collaborations. More information about the collaborations can be found on the NA-MIC Wiki.